Sunday, November 29 |
Cam and A don't seem to be going to be together. But at least Cam looks OK. He is looking for a new partner at "". I think I sould try this site.
Split up |
Monday, November 24 |
It was really serious problem and came suddenly. Cam and A separated. Their baby are going to stay with Cam.
Finished? |
Wednesday, November 19 |
When I got home, something quite serious had been happening. It's not about me.
Yogaride |
11月18日(火) |
Social Activityにヨガを教えに来ているRobがサイクリスト向けヨガのクラスを開講するらしく、それに誘われたので参加してみることにした。作者はまったくサイクリストではないが、以前Robに自分はクライミングをしていてヨガに興味があると話したことがある。ニュージーランドにはコミュニティースクールみたいのがたくさんあり、さまざまなクラスが開かれているようだ。ヨガ・太極拳・英語・コンピュータ・日本料理・お菓子づくり・ダンス・フラワーアレンジメントなどなど何でもありそう。だいたい週一回1〜2時間程度で1から3ヶ月位。料金はとても安いと思う。RobのYogarideは週一回1時間5週で$50($35にディスカウントしてくれた)だがこれはちょっと高めな設定かもしれない。今日のクラスは僕を含めて3人しか集まらずちょっと残念。後の2人は気合の入ったサイクリストでたぶん数千ドルするであろう自転車に乗っていた。何をするかというと今のところはたいしたことはしていなくて、ストレッチと呼吸の練習。会場となったコミュニティーセンターまで、ホームステイからチャリで50分位かかりすごい疲れたのだが、帰りは快調であんまり疲れず40分で家に着いた。これはヨガの効能に違いないと思うのは気のせいだろうか?
Softball |
Sunday, November 16 |
I played softball today. There was a softball meeting by mostly Japanese. It was not serious game. There were 6 teams. Each team play against other 5 teams. I don't exactly know what groups they are even the team I belonged to. Probably some of the groups were members of the Japanese restaurant. Jiro who is one of the Japanese climbers in Auckland has a friend who loves baseball. So Jiro invited me and we joined the team. It has been long time since I played soft ball or baseball last time. The weather was so sunny that my skin became red and hot. Do you know? New Zealand is under the ozone hole. Our team won 4 games and got second.
All Blacks lost |
Saturday, November 15 |
I gave up region-free and changed region code into 4. I hope someone will make a region-free firmware of my DVD drive.
I planed to go the climbing gym in the evening but I put it off because host families had prepared the barbecue for dinner. Cam's older brother and his family came to the BBQ. After that Cam invited me to a bar, which was in the city, very nice and smart. It seemed to be for adult people. I really enjoyed good wine. No, it was not good wine but very very good wine. I didn't drink much wine when I was in Japan because maybe it was not tasty. But the wines that I have drunken since I came to NZ were beautiful. Cam gave me a lot of good wines. I know nothing about wine but he said they were really high quality and I can feel that. By the way, there was a big rugby game on tonight. It was a semifinal of the World Cup. New Zealand fought against Australia. A lot of Kiwi people was coming to the bar to see the game. Regrettably All Blacks lost. It made those people sad. Cam was too. We went 2 more bars and finally he got completely drunk. I took him home.
Latin Christian |
Friday, November 14 |
Today I went a fitness centre at New market. The price is much cheaper than those services in Japan. I did swimming. The pool has really deep area: maybe more than 5 meters. I have never been so deep area that it was a little bit scary for me because I'm not good at swimming. The other reason why I went there was that the center has a spa and a sauna: pool, spa and sauna is only $5 for adults and $4 for students. It had been long time since I took a bath last time; I mean "bath tub" and "deep hot water". New Zealand people don't have a bath but only a shower; besides the shower facilities are not good. Normally they are fixed at the wall. It's not comfortable. I used to have a bath and I love it especially after climbing. It's just wonderful.
I don't have many friend at this moment but one of my few friends invited me to a meeting which was held by Latin Christian people. So I went there at night. I could hear good music and speeches about Jesus. The friend is from Peru. His national language is Spanish. We agreed that pronunciation of Spanish is similar to Japanese so we could easily understand each other. Probably the reason why he invited me is that on Thursday we had eaten a lunch together and had a lot of conversation; at the time I asked him many questions about religions. I found that he believe the Bible as strongly as the Korean people I talked about before do. The Peruvian and his friend from Argentine explained Christianity or Jesus. However I couldn't understand or I don't want to understand. It is still strange for me why they can believe Jesus so strongly. How can they believe the God.
There is one interesting thing. There are a lot of people who are Christian now but not Christian before. They were absolutely not Christian and couldn't understand other Christian people. They were the same as I am at this moment. But something happened to them. They seriously said they had met the God and started believing the God. It's unbelievable for me. I don't want to be Christian and will never be Christian, maybe.
Region Code |
11月13日(木) |
字幕がないと映画を見るのがつらいので、ビデオ屋さんでDVDを借りてきて見ようとしているのだが、リージョンコードの問題で困っている。ニュージーランドはリージョン4なので日本のプレイヤー(リージョン2)ではそのままでは再生できない。パソコンの場合はドライブとソフトウェアとディスクの3つのリージョンが一致する必要があり、ドライブとソフトフェアはリージョンの変更が可能である。が、変更可能回数が限られている。ソフトウェアは最悪OSを再インストールすれば変更可能回数を元に戻すことができるが、ドライブは永久に回復しないのでできれば変更したくはない。AnyDVDやDVD Region-Freeというリージョンをごまかすソフトウェアがあるのだが僕のパソコンのドライブはサポートされていない。ドライブをリージョンフリーにするパッチも見つからない。
でもリージョン4なのになぜか再生できてしまうタイトルもあった(再生可能; AMERICAN PIE, THE LOAD OF THE RINGS. 再生不可; AMERICAN PIE 2, MATRIX.)。あきらめてリージョンを変更するしかないかな?
11月8日(土) |
「MATRIX REVOLUTIONS」を見にいった。ストーリーを理解できているか自信がないが、MATRIXという壮大な謎がスミス一人にいつのまにか置き換わってしまったのかな?
Social Competition |
11月7日(金) |
Extreme EDGEでは毎月最初の金曜の夜に何かしらの催しをやっているようである。今月はボルダリングコンペ。二十数個の課題があって、好きな課題を好きなようにやって自己申告するというシンプルな形式。とても和やかというか、誰も成績など気にしていないし、いつもとそんなに変わらない雰囲気。新しいホールドがついていたし、おもしろい課題もあってけっこう楽しんだ。成績は知らない。まだ取り付けられていないけど新しくPusherのねじ止めホールドなども購入したようなので、これからもっとおもしろくなりそうだ。
ガイ・ホークス |
11月5日(水) |
今日ガイ・ホークスデー。今月に入ってから、夜になると花火がそこらじゅうであがっているのでなんだろうと思ったら、New Zealandでは花火は基本的に法律で禁止されたいて、ガイ・ホークスの前後一週間ほどだけ許されているらしい。11月5日は1605年に火薬を国会議事堂の下に仕掛け、議事堂・議員全てを吹き飛ばし、カトリック教徒への弾圧・国外追放を押し進める国王を暗殺し、国を再びカトリック教国へと戻そうとしたガイ・ホークスと一味が、味方のひとりの密告により逮捕され処刑された日。そのことを神に感謝する日だそうです。英国、ニュージーランドの他南アフリカでもこのガイ・ホークスデーはあり、同じように盛大に花火を打ち上げるそうです。
Barber Nat |
11月3日(月) |
今週末MATRIX3作目をやるそうなのでまだちゃんと見ていなかった"MATRIX RELOADED"を見にいった。なぜか英語の字幕が入っていたのでかなり助かったが、それでもやっぱりわかんない。
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